In today's fast-paced digital world, maintaining focus and attention has become a growing challenge for many people.

To address this issue, we developed a virtual reality game that combines entertainment and education, designed specifically to help players improve their attention levels. Through a series of engaging levels that gradually increase in difficulty, along with stimulating audiovisual scenarios, players are encouraged to sharpen their focus.

Our goal is for users to not only enjoy the immersive gameplay but also enhance their concentration skills, ultimately improving their performance in various aspects of life

Project overview



My Role

People who are Highly Inattentive

3 months: 2023 Jun. - 2023 Aug.

UX Designer , UX Researcher

3D , Visual Design

We made a research that 70% of affected children continue to experience symptoms into adolescence and 30%-50% continue to have symptoms into adulthood.

Highly attention deficits are difficult to fully cure, they can only be alleviated


Color can play an important role in conveying information, creating certain moods, and even influencing the decisions people make. The psychology of colors has a remarkable impact in promoting concentration and productivity at home.

VR & Colors Can Help


In our initial vision, the game consisted of four chapters, with a color change after each chapter to indicate the next level.

Make an interactive VR Game


Level 1 Scene

Level 2 Scene

Level 3 Scene

Level 4 Scene

Scene set up

Interactive Map

Activate colors within the area environment.

Activate colors within the area environment.

Activate colors within the area environment.

Activate colors within the area environment.


You have completed THE Chapter 1




You're awesome!

Keep looking for more fallen books!


Pick up

Observe the scene, find the items

reflecting the light source.



Recallthe colors you just saw,

and correctly assemble the clock!

Found the mirror!


Pick up

Please start looking for the fallen books

and place them inthe corresponding

gaps on the bookshelf.


Pick up


Pick up

Welcome to the Attention Challenge

Watering the plants


You can pick up the watering can to

start watering the plants now!


You have completed THE Chapter 2


You have completed THE Chapter 2


You have completed THE Chapter 2



You're really great! You've

completed the Focus Challenge Game!

Game starts

Game over

Pick up


Game Play

We invited over 10 individuals with attention deficits to test the game and received highly positive feedback. They found it helpful in prioritizing tasks, allowing them to complete them step by step.

Initially, I did not consider the psychological aspects of individuals with attention deficits during the design process. It wasn't until I interviewed a person with ADHD that I realized their difficulties were not solely personal failings; they genuinely desire to improve their focus. Understanding the struggles they face deepened my appreciation for the design process and highlighted the importance of viewing challenges from the user's perspective. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about empathy in design.

Additionally, I recognized areas that still need improvement:

Collect player's physiological data such as heart rate, skin conductance, and Collect player's physiological data such as heart rate, skin conductance, and eye-tracking data to determine their attention level and emotional state.

Create a player-controlled color-switching mechanism that allows players to freely switch colors at any time using gestures, controller inputs, or eye tracking to adapt to their attention needs.

An engaging VR game enhancing focus and attention skills

Designing with Empathy



© Yilin Chen 2024. Proudly hand created.

An engaging VR game enhancing focus and attention skills


